Over 25 years of teaching from K through 12
Enrolling in Cornerstone has never been easier. Just follow the steps below. If you have questions, call 205.669.7777 or email our office at Office@Cornerstonechargers.com
CURRENT families wishing to complete re-enrollment packets, please log in to RenWeb, click Family Information, then click Enrollment/Reenrollment and follow the prompts to complete the enrollment packet for each child.
Enrollment Steps
A preliminary inquiry application can be accessed via this link. Once your inquiry is received you will receive a call from someone in Admissions to schedule an initial meeting and tour.
Financial Assistance
If you are interested in financial assistance, you will need to complete a FACTS application via this link. This is a third party that will determine eligibility. A non-refundable fee applies.
Application Fee
Upon completion of your tour and a meeting with our Financial Manager, you will receive an email directing you to a website where you will complete a comprehensive enrollment packet and submit a non-refundable application fee of $255.